Surprise! Revenue up $2B, calls for new tax hike

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The state chief economists foretasted $2 billion in new unexpected revenue coming into state coffers, despite previous alarms over a $1.5 billion shortfall just a few months ago.

Personal income tax collections are up by $1.3 billion during the quarter, corporate income taxes are up by nearly $400 million, lottery and marijuana tax revenue are up as well.

Despite surging revenue, The Oregonian reports that liberal lobbyist are pushing for a huge tax increase by pulling Oregon out of the CARES Act tax breaks for business and higher income individuals.   This also comes at a time when there is over 30 state and local taxes on the November ballot.

So when there is a recession, politicians call for tax increases (as they raised in 2009), and when there is extra money, politicians call for raising taxes.

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