10 wildly contradicting election results

Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Both Biden and Trump broke records.

• Biden won more votes than any President in history at 75 million

• Trump won the second most votes in any Presidential candidate at 71 million, besting Obama’s (69M/65M)

Minority voter success/flops

• Trump won the biggest share of the minority vote of a Republican candidate since 1960.

• Of 26 black Republican Congressional candidates, only two won

Spending vs results don’t match

• Democrats outspent Republicans in total all-races spending by $3 billion ($6.9 billion to $3.8 billion).


• Democrats picked only one Senate seat despite some projections like FiveThirtyEight which speculated a possible 13 Senate seat pick-up by Democrats. .

• Republicans gained 6-10 seats despite The Cook Report projecting a 15 seat Democrat House seat pick-up.

• By comparison, Democrats picked up 41 House seats just two years ago.

Gallup mismatch

• Trump approval stood at 46% compared to Obama’s 52% at the same first-term juncture of the week of the election.

• Yet, at the same time 56% said they were better off today than four years ago under Trump, whereas 45% said the same under Obama.


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Sources (Wikipedia, CNBC, WSJ, Gallup, Star Herald)



