Two secrecy scandals in a week over COVID data

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Oregon’s COVID vaccine equity group has been meeting in secret as they make life-and-death decisions on who should be vaccinated after the priority list (seniors, medical workers, prisoners, teachers) is covered.  These meetings were public until this week.

The other COVID secrecy scandal is when KXL News discovered that Oregon Health Authority kept hidden news that Oregon’s three largest counties qualified for re-opening businesses and withheld the information from the public for three weeks.   Businesses could have re-opened by now.  Many of the 25,000 Oregon jobs lost in December could have been hired back.

These secrecy scandals follows the same pattern of when re-opening schools discussion was made behind closed doors, and when Gov. Brown withheld key details on COVID datata (age, outbreak locations, etc) back in March.

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