Rep. Drazan calls Capitol pause until people have power to participate

Taxpayer Association of Oregon

Nearly 330,000 Oregonians went without power during the recent snow storm, the largest power outage in Oregon history.

State Representative and House Minority Leader, Christine Drazan, issued a press release stating

“I am calling on the speaker to put the welfare and on-going recovery of Oregonians first and pause all legislative activity”

And additionally,

“A virtual session requires access to power and internet for Oregonians to meaningfully participate in the legislative process. Legislative leaders committed to an open and transparent session. We must honor that commitment and not leave Oregonians behind in a rush to return to business as usual”.

Without electricity, Oregonians are unable to follow the Legislature and testify through the internet.

It might be said that Drazan believes there can be no power to the people until the people have power.

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