Huggins poses a big question on Oregon political power

By Oregon Campaign Watch,

Oregon Governor candidate Jim Huggins issued this big question on Oregon politics and is worth repeating:

“Serious answers only please. No conspiracy theories…the answer is straightforward if you look in the right place!
Did you know there are 2.9 million registered voters in Oregon. Of those, over 1 million (1.1 million) are registered Democrats. Nearly a million (~975,000) are non-affiliated. And 750,000 are Republican. (This is one reason why Republicans don’t win statewide races in Oregon—but more on this later in another post.) These 3 groups account for about 96% of the electorate. Yet we have 10 parties! Put another way…if you subtract the 2 major parties, Democrats and Republicans, everyone else adds up to the largest block/group of voters in Oregon. Larger than even the Democrats.
Sooooo WHY and HOW do YOU think they continue to stay and grow in power and control?”

