Sen. Wyden slams Gov. Brown over releasing murderer

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden harshly criticized Gov. Kate Brown over her commuting the sentence of Kyle Headquist who murdered Nikki Thrasher in 1995.

Wyden said, “This clemency decision is wrong on every level, starting with its callousness toward the crime victim’s family and extending to all Oregonians counting on public officials to make decisions with public safety in mind. Plain and simple, I oppose this grossly irresponsible use of the clemency powers.“

Gov. Brown’s office responded by saying Sen. Wyden didn’t know the facts.

Other critics blasted Governor Brown this week. Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin said, “The executive clemency granted by Gov. Brown in this case is shocking and irresponsible.”  Marion County District Attorney Paige Clarkson and Sheriff Joe Kast, issued a statement saying there were, “significant safety concerns surrounding the sudden and ill-planned governor’s commutation.”

The fact that very progressive US Senator Ron Wyden is now acting tough-on-crime, after a two year crime spree, is welcome…yet too late… and likely political…which means it may not last beyond the election.

Senator Ron Wyden is facing a possible tough challenger from Senate candidate Darin Harbick in the General Election.

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