A Word for the New Year

Politically, Oregon is a hurting state. The recent Republicans gains in the State House and Senate are extraordinarily encouraging. Oregon is far from a lost cause. These successes came in large part from many of your efforts. The staff at Oregon Catalyst want to extend our sincerest thanks.

And don’t worry: we’re not going anywhere. It’s our job to keep you updated, provide an outlet for your opinions, and make our own humble contribution to the good cause.

Look us up on Twitter (http://twitter.com/oregoncatalyst), connect with us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/oregoncatalyst), sign up for an email subscription (from the main page sidebar), catch our RSS feed (http://feeds2.feedburner.com/OregonCatalyst), send us an email (media-at-teleport-dot-com), or drop a comment on this post. We want to hear from you.

–The Oregon Catalyst Team
