Drazan’s new hard hitting Kotek-Brown mash-up video


By Taxpayers Association of Oregon PAC

Oregon Governor candidate Christine Drazan has released a very enlightening video ad showcasing how Oregon Governro Kate Brown and then-Speaker Tina Kotek (now Governor candidate) have worked together to bring Oregon this unique crisis’ we have today.

Watch the ad below:


This ad is very correct.

Looked how they worked together to raise taxes:


Look how Oregon compares on high cost of living:

Crime has spiked under Gov. Brown and Tina Kotek:

Here are all the locations of stolen vehicles (thanks to Gov. Kate Brown and Tina Kotek passing laws reducing prison time for car theft)

This parody graphic is a good sign of what is to come under a Kate Brown sequel under Tina Kotek.


Taxpayers Association  of Oregon PAC encorurages everyone to support Christine Drazan for Govenror.  It is not too late to donate, post a lawn sign, Share/Like/Tweet a social media post.
