Cartoon raises questions

To the side is an Ohman cartoon that was part of a recent Democrat e-newsletter sent out by the Oregon Democratic Party. I found their choice of Ohman cartoons very interesting. At the outset, the cartoon appears to attack Bush for his failed “Iraq Policy” and his unwillingness to set a new direction there. However, a closer examination of the cartoon seems to suggest to me that the Bush Iraq policy did not fail. Rather, it was intentionally shot down by the Democrats. Democrats in Congress (the gun turret used to shoot down Bush is mounted on the U.S. Capitol) are aiming at the President rather than the terrorists. It could also be inferred that the Democrat’s “mission accomplished” has nothing to do with keeping Americans or America safe, but rather is limited in scope to only attacking the Commander in Chief and the troops serving under him.

Maybe I’m reading too much into Ohman’s work. And even if I am correct, I’m not sure how to capitalize on the Democrats celebrating defeating the President rather than defeating the terrorists. I’m just not convinced the Democrats were wise in choosing to use (without copyright permission, I would suggest) this particular cartoon.

If I were to shine a light on this e-newsletter, I would start it with something like, “Oregon Democrats Show Support for ‘Friendly Fire’ Assault on US Troops in Iraq.”
