Chart: Despite teen success, adults to be punished (cost $176M)

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Oregon lawmakers are considering HB 3090 which would ban a legal product for adults.  HB 3090 would ban the sale of flavored tobacco and vaping products for adults.  This HB 3090 ban for adults is a sloppy, crude way to keep them from teens.

Yet the numbers show a story:

• Oregon teen tobacco and vaping use is more than 50% better than the national average.

• Already low, Oregon has seen steady decline in teen use since 2019.

• Marijuana use, which is infinity more dangerous and unhealthy, is three times in greater use than traditional cigarettes.  Also, vaping, is much safer than cigarettes (by one study alone is nearly 95% safer) and is one of the most effective ways to help people kick the cigarette habit.

•HB 3090 banning sales to adults of legal flavored vaping and cigarette products will cause a massive drop in sales, cause stores to close, and a steep decline in tobacco tax revenue from existing sales.   The Official Revenue Office numbers are below:

Lawmakers should vote No on HB 3090.

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