About 1 of 5 state workers make 100K+

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Oregon has around 38,000 state government employees.

The Oregonian analysis concluded that when combining base salary, overtime and  vacation payouts 7,298 of these state workers earned $100,000 or more in 2021.  That was a 25% increase from the prior 2020 year.   That is a 25% increase in employees making $100,000 or more.

We even outperform our state government neighbors.  The Seattle Times reports, “Oregon government employee compensation in 2022 far outpaced that of state workers in neighboring Washington, Idaho and Nevada, at 123.5% of the combined average for those workers.”

Last year, then-Governor Kate Brown rushed out 3% government raises 6-months early than alloted in addition to allowing 5% promotional bonuses to be freely extended to many.

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