Betsy Johnson vs. Kate Brown PACs (Multnomah DA race)

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Multnomah County District Attorney race for the May 2024 primary is between Nathan Vasquez and incumbent DA Mike Schmidt who is famous for letting criminals go in Portland and who had dropped nearly 1,000 riot charges during the Portland riots.

The Oregonian reports that Betsy Johnson’s PAC has given $5,000 to the challenger Vasquez, while a Kate Brown PAC has given $5,000 to Schmidt. Former Democrat lawmaker, Chip Shields, also is backing Schmidt. Read more.

The Taxpayers Association created this graphic back at the beginning of the Portland riots, comparing the Trump administration which was boasting about riot arrests verses Multnomah DA who was touting about the number of people set free.

Lars Larson once explained one of Multnomah DA’s prior failures;“Mike Schmidt has announced special new privileges for illegal aliens. Schmidt calls it immigration reform.He has no business doing it because the courts have made it clear, only the federal government has any say over immigration. DA Schmidt now promises to ignore the immigration crimes of illegal aliens so they won’t be deported. Schmidt says he doesn’t think it’s fair when someone already illegally in this country commits crimes and then gets deported. He claims, quote “deportation does absolutely nothing to make us more safe.” I’d love to have DA Schmidt explain that theory of his to the family of the Portland woman jogger hit by an illegal and left to die in a ditch. Or the family of John Zupan, the Portland grocery store innovator who was killed when a drunk illegal alien veered into oncoming traffic and hit Zupan head on. Illegals make up about 4% of Oregon’s population…but in the state’s prisons, 14% of the killers are illegals and 18 percent of the rapists.”

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