Oregon faces “No School November” strike

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon


Portland Public Schools are heading for a massive strike as year-long discussions have created an impasse.

The Oregonian reports, “Now union leaders, school district officials and rank-and-file educators alike say there is potential for teachers in Portland to follow suit as soon as Nov. 1, a month when there are already seven scheduled days off.  On Thursday, district negotiators and representatives for the Portland Association of Teachers met for the first time with a state mediator. The two sides have been bargaining for nearly a year, but remain far apart on key issues, including salary boosts, class size caps, logistics around job reassignments and how much time should be set aside for lesson planning, grading and professional development…In Portland, teachers have asked for a 21.5% raise over three years. The district has countered with 9%, which educators have dismissed as essentially a salary freeze, given inflation and the high cost of living and rent in the metro area. “

Here are some observations:

• The politicians just passed the largest tax in Oregon history in 2019 (CAT Tax) to fund education exclusively.  The tax cost taxpayers in billions. Now teachers are likely going on strike because they do not have enough money.

• The politicians passed an incredible amount of taxes and regulations over the years, making Oregon among the top 10 most expensive Cost-of-Living States in America (as with most liberal Blue states).    Because politicians created this disaster, taxpayers are now being asked to pay a second time by forking out higher costs to protect government employees from the high cost-of-living crisis the politicians created.   That makes life twice as miserable for taxpayers!

• Strike fever is spreading. Wilsonville Schools almost striked.  Oregon nurses have already striked this summer.  OHSU is eyeing a strike. Powell’s Books employees are striking this weekend.

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