Should $38M of taxes subsidize 1,800 Hillsboro baseball fans?

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation,

Oregon Business Report notes “The Hillsboro Hops could be forced to move elsewhere if the organization fails to build a new $120 million stadium that meets Major League Baseball standards, but it faces a $20 million shortfall, according to All 120 teams in the MLB must sign an agreement saying it would provide ballfields and stadiums that meet certain standards, including a female locker room, weight rooms, a clubhouse, and places for players to eat.”

The team has $80 million in private funding pledges, $18 million in lodging tax revenue, but still short of their goal.

They tried but failed to get the Legislature to award $20 million in funding.

This comes at a time when their current stadium is only hosting 1,800 fans perĀ  game. That is one of the worst seasons ever for attendance.

Should taxpayers fork up $38 million in tax dollars to subsidize 1,800 fans?

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