Pro-Palestine, anti-Israel vandalism were part of Portland riots

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

This week it was reported that a Portland State University student group, a Portland Socialist chapter and a vocal Portland Antifa activist all made statements that lean toward justifying the Hamas terror attack on Israel that killed 1,000+ innocent civilian people.   This is similar messages coming from the Portland riots.

During the Portland riots, you could hear on occasion pro-Palestinian extremism from the speakers and from vandalism left behind as evidence of the photography (that Taxpayers Association of Oregon volunteer reporters took of the scene).

Below is a picture of an up-start Israeli coffee house in SE Portland.  So new and under construction that they advertised, at the time, with window paint.   This was vandalized (photo below) as well as the next door business which saw their window bashed.


The rioters left behind trademark Antifa/Anarchist flyers calling to fight fascism.   We have Antifa/Anarchists vandalizing an Israeli businesses in the name of fighting Nazism?  The Taxpayers Association of Oregon is the only organization to document these events.


The untold story of this business building is that it has been perpetually vandalized and cleaned-up on a near monthly basis for two years.   Most of the building is vacant looking for a buyer, but the destruction only drives prospective buyers away.

Also, in January 2021, three different restaurant were vandalized with anti-Israel messages.  They left typical liberal messages of “Free Palestine” and “Land Back”.



The radical Leftist politics of Oregon is creating all kinds of extremism.


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