Scappoose Schools: Double your tax rate without you knowing

Scappoose Measure 5-296 is quite dishonest, tricky and costly
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The Scappoose School District found a way to double the tax rate without voters knowing it.

The Scappoose School bond, Measure 5-296, explains to voters that it will only cost $1.22 per $1,000 of assessed value. What they fail to mention is that the rate in a few years jumps to $2.63/$1,000 by 2030. A double increase for most of the life of the 5-296 bond (until 2050).

This is why voters should reject Scappoose School Bond 5-296 — a misleading, extremely expensive tax bond on Scappoose property owners and business owners.

The Scappoose School bond, Measure 5-296 represents everything voters do not like about tax bonds — the dishonesty, the high cost, the bad-timing for asking for a tax increase during a crisis and the lack of more affordable, bipartisan, balanced options as the first choice.

Scappoose taxpayers should vote no on Measure 5-296.

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