State launches anti-alcohol ad campaign

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The Oregon Health Authority has launched a statewide campaign to encourage people who drink too much to stop.

It asks these questions, “What if we drank less each week or each month? What if we could attend a party and not be asked to explain why we’re not drinking?”

It even takes a dig at private advertising of alcohol, “What if everybody’s kids could walk to school without passing billboards that glamorize excessive alcohol consumption?”  How can the State of Oregon complain about kids’ seeing alcohol billboards on the way to school when the politicians won’t ban public use of fentanyl?  

The ad states “Many people in Oregon – 1 in 51 – drink excessively.”

They say that 6 people die every day from excessive drinking.

The campaign says more people die from alcohol than drugs.

Is this ad campaign a needed public health effort?   Is it misguided?  Will it save lives?

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