Commissioner who wrecked MultCo, past now haunts her (CD#3)

Former County Commissionerwho wrecked Multnomah County has her past to come to haunt her (CD#3)
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The former Commissioner of Multnomah County, Susheela Jayapal, really messed up the County during her term.

Now she is running for Congress District #3 to replace the exiting Congressman Earl Blumenaur.

A campaign mailer took full advantage of her terrible past as there are invoking ambulance disasters and abused dogs.  It brought out a quote from The Oregonian calling Multnomah County a “train wreck”.


Here is another Susheela Jayapal negative hit mailing:


Here is a third Susheela Jayapal negative mailing.

What is important is that our select Democrat voters in the district have received these three mailings and NONE from Susheela Jayapal as of 5/10 the week before the Oregon May Primary.

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