Hood River’s $70M parks spending spree (No on Measure 77, 78)

A call to vote No on Hood River’s Park & Recreation’s Measure 14-77 and 14-78

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Hood River voters should Vote No on Hood River’s very costly, very expensive and wasteful parks & recreation ballot measures 14-77 and 14-78.

Say NO to the $70 million parks/recreation spending spree which spikes property taxes during a housing crisis.

• Oregon is the nation’s 3rd highest (unaffordable) housing cost state in America! Please don’t spike property taxes in a housing crisis and throw more seniors out of their homes with Measure 77 and 78. (SMI Real Estate, 6/12/23)

• Oregon’s had its first population decline in 40 years due to high home prices! Oregon saw more people leaving than arriving because people CANNOT AFFORD to live here due to high housing costs and high property taxes. (The Oregonian 9/14/23)

• Tell the Hood River Parks District to be more modest by voting No on ballot measures 14-77 and 14-78. The Parks’ $70 million spending spree is too much in new property taxes. Parks are not emergency services. It is not worth taxing people out of their homes during a housing crisis.

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