Kotek stumbled 5x this week, “blind spot”

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


The bad news keep piling up for Oregon Governor Tina Kotek.

• Willamette Week did an analysis of Governor Kotek’s first spouse controversy and found it more troubling that everyone thought.  WW reports, ““An exodus from the highest levels within the Oregon governor’s office this early in a first term is historic. And those who left have not yet been replaced.After interviewing more than two dozen Salem insiders, reviewing thousands of documents that Kotek’s office released under Oregon’s public records law, and examining Kotek Wilson’s calendar, an inescapable conclusion emerges: The departure of key staff leads back to one person—the first lady. …This governor has one blind spot,” a longtime associate says. “It’s Aimee”.  Read more here.

• Governor Tina Kotek pulled back two nominations to the Board of Forestry over backlash.

• The Unemployment Department meltdown continued.  Both Senate and House Republicans, having had enough, stepped up in a press announcement to call for immediate fixes and a plan to stop the damage.

• The Oregon Supreme Court unanimously rejected Governor Tina Kotek’s commutation/re-imprisonment case.

• Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s expiring the fentanyl emergency was widely criticized.  A Sunday Oregonian Editorial said “End of 90-day fentanyl crisis reveals a mission left unaccomplished. During Multnomah County’s official 90-day fentanyl emergency, one might have thought that the full force of our state and local government would finally have been brought to bear on the fentanyl crisis devastating our area. One would be wrong. Instead, at their recent press conference, the governor, Multnomah County chair and Portland’s mayor struggled to spin what they did over the past three months into something resembling success.

That is a lot of mistakes and criticism for one week.

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