Chart: Unusual gap in job numbers

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation

Here is some data point from the job numbers:

• Foreign born workers (which includes illegal migrants) vastly outpaced American born workers.
• 433,000 people have left the labor force in May 2024.
• 100,000 of these workers being defined as discouraged workers.
• Those holding multiple jobs increased by 16,000.

The Minneapolis Federal Reserve broke out what percentage of each state is foreign born:

Last May, the nation shed many full-time jobs while showing a growth in part-time ones (Oregon at 13% share).

There are several reasons for the native born worker gap.  There are more foreign born workers rapidly entering the market.   Many of the job losses have been mass layoffs in specialized job sectors (like technology, media) which employed native workers while the job opening increases have been in the lowest paid occupations like hospitality and health care (hospital industry has a greater share of minimum wage workers than most sectors).
