Lars Larson: Big tax crack-ups

Lars Larson
NW and national radio host,

The Northwest Nonsense

I love it when Democrats double-down on their own hypocrisy and get wrapped around their own axle.

You see, 60% of us have never worked a tip job, but 90 percent of us leave tips, at least at sit-down restaurants.

So, President Trump stole a beat on Democrats by proposing more than two months ago…”no income taxes on tips”.

Hugely popular with voters on both sides of the aisle..

So Democrats spent the last two months beating up on the Orange Man’s idea.

The powerful Senate Finance Committee Chair, Ron Wyden from New York City declared it “a bogus proposal”.

So it kinda blindsided the Democrat Party when their own candidate, Kamala Harris, copycatted the idea last Sunday at a rally in Vegas.

Sin City ranks as one of the biggest tip cities in America.

Funny thing: Two years ago this week the Senate voted on a bill that gave the IRS 80 billion to hire 87-thousand new agents.

The most hated government agency in America then launched a new initiative to crack down on people who get tips and don’t pay taxes on ‘em.

Kamala Harris cast the deciding, tie-breaking vote to make that law.

Democrats have double standards or they’d have none at all.
