Watch for Kotek’s budget-tax tricks next week

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

On December 2nd, Governor Tina Kotek will be presenting her proposed budget for 2025/2026.   Governor Kotek is already eyeing $515 million more for schools by implementing a handful of budget mechanisms.   The Oregon Department of Transportation has a $354 million self-inflicted shortfall which is sounding the alarm on a potential gas tax increase.  In Kotek’s last budget she tried to sneak by a $1.00 liquor tax.

During Governor Kotek’s first budget proposal in 2023, she proposed growing the budget by a massive 23% increase but failed to list where exactly money would come from — as in what taxes would be raised and which programs would be cut.  Kotek prefers to float budget wish-lists and let others do the hard work.   This is not balanced budget — this is wish-listing and day dreaming.

A child could propose a 23% budget increase without providing details.  This is why the Taxpayers Association of Oregon did an article comparing Kotek’s work to a 5th grader who doesn’t need to make tough decisions.



Governor Kotek’s upcoming December 2nd Budget must balance.  The public, lawmakers and media must demand that she explain how she plans to balance Oregon’s budget dollar for dollar.


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