Rep. Sheehan and Rep. Wand’s bill would reign in Metro

Oregon House Republicans


SALEM— Rep. Patrick Sheehan (R-Clackamas) and Rep. Matt Wand (R-Troutdale) Friday urged the House Transportation and Economic Development Committee to approve their bill to give smaller communities in Clackamas, Washington and Multnomah Counties greater control over land use planning.

HB 3438 effectively eliminates Metro’s authority to establish urban growth boundaries and dictate the terms of comprehensive land use plans for local governments.  The Republicans say legislation is needed because making the land use planning process simpler and more efficient is a matter of statewide concern.

“It’s time to put power back in the hands of the local governments, and give local officials and citizens the ability to determine where growth occurs,” Rep. Sheehan said. “Our cities are the only communities in the nation that are saddled by centralized land-use planning.  This bill starts the conversation on how we can take control away from outside politicians and special interest groups that have only divided our citizens.”

Rep. Wand said the bill will help boost economic development by giving cities the ability to streamline regulations and attract new businesses that create jobs.

“This bill gives cities greater flexibility to create a business environment that creates jobs,” Rep. Wand said. “It reduces the influence of Metro and others who have different interests in land-use planning and who come from areas with little or no available land.  My neighbors, who live in areas regulated by a distant Metro, should be empowered to create the community we live in.”

