Executive Club: Bob Williams of Freedom Foundation

Executive  Club  Meeting
6:00 pm •  Wed, Sept 5th  •  Airport Shilo Portland OR
Speaker Bob Williams Founder of Freedom Foundation

It would be hard to find a better speaker to energize us for this incredibly important political season.  Bob Williams, a long time friend of the Executive Club is the gifted activist who founded the highly respected Freedom Foundation, headquartered in Olympia, Washington, returns to get our political motors revved up.

Williams, a former legislator,  is currently the President of State Budget Solutions, a non-partisan organization advocating for fundamental reform and real solutions for state budget crises, is known to Executive Club members as an informative and entertaining speaker.

Because Bob has long fought for reform of public employee union collective bargaining rules and to diminish the political power of public employee unions, his visit especially timely.  Just recently, a number of our friends have begun gathering signatures for an initiative to prohibit Oregon governments from withholding union dues from public employee paychecks.

Don’t miss Williams and all the other important issues that are the Exec Club experience!  EC
