Freedom Foundation launches Janus outreach, announces press conference

Salem, Ore. – Following this week’s landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus v. AFSCME, the Freedom Foundation is launching a comprehensive grassroots campaign to inform government employees in Oregon of their constitutional right to stop paying union dues and fees.

The outreach began Wednesday with an email notification to more than 90,000 public employees, a group which included state and local government workers and public school employees. The email informed the workers of the Janus ruling and directed them to a form they could use to leave their union and stop paying dues.

And the campaign will kick up a notch on Monday, when Freedom Foundation canvassers will be standing outside state buildings in Salem to distribute material and speak to employees about their newly-acknowledged rights.

Freedom Foundation Oregon Director Aaron Withe will also be holding a press conference on Monday at 11:30 a.m., in the Oregon Capitol Press Room to further discuss the Janus ruling and the Foundation’s outreach plans.

When: Monday, July 2, 2018 @ 11:30 am.
Where: Oregon Capitol Press Room Oregon State Capitol, Room 43
900 Court St NE Salem, OR 97301page2image2911024page2image7887200page2image7886992page2image797184page2image7892816page2image5073808

The Freedom Foundation is a member-supported, Northwest-based think and action tank promoting individual liberty, free enterprise and limited, accountable government.
