Bylaws change is needed to broaden Oregon Republican coalition

BENTON COUNTY, Ore. – Last week, Dru Draper, a delegate from Benton County and Vice- Chair of the Oregon Federation of College Republicans, submitted to the Bylaws Committee a proposal to change the Oregon Republican Party bylaws to give Oregon young Republicans a seat at the table in state party politics.

The bylaws change would give the Chairman or Chairwomen of the Oregon Federation of College Republicans (OFCR) a voting membership on the ORP Executive Committee and also provide the OFCR Executive Team voting credentials at state party platform conventions.

“Over my time involved in Oregon Republican Party politics, I could not count how many times I have been asked some variation of “How do we get more young people involved in the party?” My answer has always been the same: Give them a stake in the process. These bylaws changes do that and are needed now,” said Draper.

The proposal is particularly salient now, as younger people forget the horrors of socialism, big government, and abandon American values. The ORP and Republicans broadly have an uphill battle to reach out to young voters in Oregon. Michael Kraan, Chairman of OFCR said:

“This bylaws proposal gives young Republicans the opportunity to assist in crafting state-wide strategies to win elections and connect with younger voters. This is a bold move and we need it now. The Democrats do not even include their young activist in this way. We can do something special here.”

The proposal will be evaluated and worked on in the Bylaws Committee, which is chaired by John Philo.

Julia Wegner, chair of the Benton County Republican Party has this to say:

“This will be an important step forward for our party. In Benton County, every day we live in the shadow of the liberal haven that is the Corvallis area. As a party, we desperately need our College Republicans to help us come up with a strategy to reach young voters.”

“I am calling on all Central Committee members to vote in favor of adopting these new bylaws at the next Central Committee meeting so we may begin the work of broadening the Republican coalition,” Draper concluded.

The Oregon Federation of College Republicans is the nationally recognized governing body that represents Oregon’s six campus College Republicans chapters. They oversee organizing and fundraising efforts for Oregon’s College Republicans and connect young people with opportunities to get involved in state politics. The Executive Board is comprised of six members. Learn more here.
