Postscript to K9 Story

Conclusion to Monday’s story “State pays triple for police dogs, shuts out local biz”

I would like to thank for your comments to my article. But soon after my interveiw with Lars Larson, I had recieved via e-mail the report to my inquire about the over exspenditure of drug dogs. The DOJ has awarded the vendor in question with Sole Source contract and no doings were reported in the report. And of course they like him and he is the only person that can train dogs and handlers by state standards. That means the state taxpayers will be paying for these dogs at a very expensive price. They came up with a letter dated before my inquire for sole source award. It is funny how letters with dates show up after the fact of telling someone that no contract was in place. What un-truths we wind! I can say I will not be voting in any tax measures and hope the public does not fall for, “We don’t have enough money”.

– Jason Couts
