7 bad ballot measures on May local ballot

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


Here are seven local tax measures on the Oregon ballot to watch for:


#1. Multnomah/Washington/Clackamas zoo measure.
MEASURE #26-244: Costly/wasteful zoo tax bond

… Taxes are already too high in Metro area:


#2. Portland’s gas tax increase
MEASURE # 26-245: 10-cent gas tax

— Just remember we are all paying the nation’s 5th highest gas prices.

#3. Portland ‘s School bond
MEASURE  # 26-246: Costly school bond

— Portland’s high taxes are already driving taxpayers/revenue out of the county.


#4. Eugene
MEASURE #20-358 — Tax $$ for baseball stadium

— A waste of tax dollars


#5. Eugene’s school bond.
MEASURE # 20-237 — Pricey school tax bond

— Oregon schools have received billions in extra “new source” revenue.


#6. Eugene ‘s Election Change
MEASURE # 20-349 — Rank Choice voting scheme for City elections

— Rank choice voting decreases turnout, increases delays, costs


#7. Wilsonville Urban Renewal Measure
MEASURE #3-605– Diverting police/fire funds for bike paths/private development

— Stop dumping publci tax $$ on private projects


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— Keep following this website for more news, updates and insights on these ballot measures: Multnomah/Washington/Clackamas, MEASURE #26-244: Costly/wasteful zoo tax bond, Portland
MEASURE # 26-245: 10-cent gas tax, Portland’s MEASURE  # 26-246: Costly school bond, Eugene’s MEASURE #20-358 — Tax $$ for baseball stadium, Eugene MEASURE # 20-237 — Pricey school tax bond, Eugene’s MEASURE # 20-349 — Rank Choice voting scheme for City elections Wilsonville’s #3-605 MEASURE — Diverting police/fire funds for bike paths/private development.
