Lars Larson: Media re-invents Kamala

By Lars Larson
NW and national radio host,

It’s campaign season and the Democrat party lost its main candidate to brain failure.

Its backup plan, Kamala Harris, has a horrible record, so let the lying begin.

Three years ago, Joe Biden made Kamala Harris “border czar” to fix the invasion of illegals that now numbers at least ten million. She failed miserably at that, so today you will hear stories flatly denying she was ever “border czar”, I kid you not.

It’s the novel “1984” on steroids.

In the U.S. Senate, Govtrack ranked Harris as the single most liberal Senator in America, even more liberal than Vermont’s Communist Bernie Sanders. So Govtrack simply erased her Senate voting report card.

Harris proposed eliminating private health insurance to force all citizens onto government programs.

She backs a ban on fracking to deny America natural gas and oil.

Senator Harris co-sponsored legislation to stop deportation of illegals. As Veep, she called for the abolition of ICE.

During the Antifa riots 4 years ago, Harris joined the mob demanding defunding of police and raised bail money to put violent criminals back on the street. Now, she’s running as the law and order candidate.

Reporters could point out that her record puts the lie to her “law and order”, former prosecutor claims today.

Most of them will carry water for the Democrat Party candidate, no matter how insane her lies.

And you wondered why President Trump described the news media as the enemy of the people.
