Lars Larson: On voter fraud

By Lars Larson
NW and national radio host,

Joe Biden’s deliberate flood of illegals into America over the last three years shows up big time in this year’s election.

Biden’s own CBP reported at least 10 million back in May.

And why does that affect this year’s election?

Motor voter and automatic registration: everyone with a license or an ID card gets signed up to vote.

Arizona reported this week it has 100-thousand people on its voter rolls who haven’t shown proof they’re citizens.

Pennsylvania, which adopted automatic registration a year ago Thursday launched an investigation Monday to see whether its DMV excluded non-citizens from voter registration.


A recent Pew poll finds roughly 80% of Americans support voter ID laws. They’re a political no-brainer.

In August California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws

In Huntington Beach, a city of 194,000, residents recently approved a requirement for voter ID in elections – a form of which is mandatory in 36 states and almost every industrialized democracy.

The Biden Crime family regime has decreed that states should not remove voters from the rolls, even if they’re dead and even if they’re non citizens…without running afoul of federal anti discrimination laws.

Last Friday, Oregon admitted it had registered more than 300 non-citizens to vote.

Oops, again.

How many more are signed up for a ballot?

It’s anyone’s guess since no one in Tina Kotek’s government is looking very hard. Her party needs those votes AND as we saw in that half-million-dollar illegal FTX donation to the Democrat Party that got Kotek elected, they’re not afraid to break the law and have zero fear that anyone gets prosecuted if they do. After all, Oregon’s Attorney General may be a lame duck, but she IS a loyal democrat.
