Hoyle votes NO on Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act

Monique DeSpain Condemns Hoyle’s Vote Against Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act
Says Hoyle Touts Being For Women’s Rights, but Chose Illegal Alien Rapists and Abusers Over Women
By Monique DeSpain for Congress,


Eugene, OR – Today, Republican candidate Monique DeSpain condemned Val Hoyle’s vote against H.R. 7909 Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act, which would make non-U.S. nationals (alien under federal law) who admit to or are convicted of domestic violence crimes and sex offenses, including conspiracy to commit a sex offense, inadmissible for entry and deportable.


“This past Thursday, Val Hoyle voted against the bipartisan Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act H.R. 7909, which would make it easier for law enforcement to deport illegal aliens who assault or rape women,” stated DeSpain. “Hoyle pretends she stands up for women’s rights, but when it comes to deporting illegal aliens who assault women, she stands with the rapists and abusers. Hoyle is nothing but a thoughtless administration rubber stamp who won’t even stand with Democrats who want border security and a safe country for their constituents.”


Hoyle rejects all bipartisan attempts to achieve national security.  In early 2023, Hoyle voted against H.R. 2 Secure The Border Act, which would have:

  • Restarted building the border wall
  • Ended Biden catch and release policy
  • Reinstituted the Remain in Mexico policy
  • Deployed technology to the southern and northern border
  • Increased the number of Border Patrol agents
  • Strengthened the asylum process
  • Reimbursed states for costs incurred while securing the border.


Earlier this year, Val Hoyle went to El Paso, TX, and praised open borders while lecturing her constituents who asked her, “Why don’t you just shut down the border?” explaining that “We need to have movement through the border and how much we need the workforce.” Seven weeks later, Texas National Guard Troops at an El Paso, Texas checkpoint were overrun and assaulted by foreign military-aged males forcing their way into our country.


As a result of the Biden Harris open border policies that Hoyle supports, lawmakers have fought to protect Americans by passing the following bill in Congress, all of which Hoyle voted against:


  • R. 7511 Laken Riley Act requiring ICE to detain illegal migrants who have been arrested for burglary, theft, larceny, or shoplifting.
  • R.7343 Detain and Deport Illegal Aliens Who Assault Cops Act requiring ICE to detain any illegal aliens who assault a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or other first responder.
  • HR 5283 Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act barring the housing of illegal immigrants in national parks, forests, and public lands
  • R. 1371 Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border
  • Res. 957 Denouncing Biden Border Crisis Resolution
  • Res. 863 Impeaching Biden Secretary of Open Borders Alejandro Mayorkas for his role in causing this crisis and providing false testimony to Congress about it.
  • R. 8580 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act would end the use of the Veteran Administration to pay for free healthcare for illegal migrants.
  • R. 8281 Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act requiring individuals to provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections.
  • R. 7109 Equal Representation Act to count and exclude the massive influx of millions and millions of illegal migrants during the Biden Administration in the next U.S. Census from Congressional Reapportionment.


“Val’s appalling support for the current administration’s disastrous open border and the devastating ramifications we all feel has led directly to unlimited illegal immigration, human smuggling, fentanyl trafficking, overwhelmed communities and law enforcement, and terrorist infiltration,” said DeSpain. “Representative Hoyle supports the interests of criminal illegal immigrants over law-abiding immigrants and other people severely impacted by crime every chance she gets by casting votes no reasonable person in the 4th District would approve. Voters, especially female assault victims, deserve a representative in Washington, D.C., who puts them first. I will.”


Monique DeSpain is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel, mother of twin boys, and public policy advocate who resides in Eugene, Oregon. She is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Oregon’s 4th Congressional District in a bid to unseat incumbent Congresswoman Val Hoyle in 2024 and bring about a safer, more prosperous Oregon. Her campaign website is www.MoniqueForCongress.com
