Does Brad Avakian know he’s NOT supposed to be making laws?

Brad Avakian BOLI_thb

by NW Spotlight

Brad Avakian recently chose Father’s Day to speak up for “abortion rights.” He wrote “I am a father, a husband, a legislator — and I am a man for choice.”

In addition to the inherent problem with standing up for abortion on Father’s Day, there’s the small matter of Avakian still thinking he’s a legislator. That may explain some things.

Avakian is currently the Oregon Labor Commissioner – a position he’s held for the past eight years. He was a legislator prior to that – but that was more than eight years ago!

If Avakian still thinks he’s a legislator, that may explain why he still thinks he supposed to be creating laws. He has a history of not understanding the separation of powers in the Oregon Constitution.

In his current campaign for Oregon Secretary of State, Avakian’s struggle with understanding the separation of powers, and even the limit of powers, has continued. He has stated he wants to redefine the secretary of state job – which prompted former Gov. Barbara Roberts (D) to say “I can’t remember recently hearing a recognized candidate with statewide experience who would be quite so loose or casual in their definition of the boundaries of the office they are seeking.”

Avakian’s obtuse and blind expansionist ambitions prompted the Oregonian Editorial Board to write “Voters would be understandably confused if they thought Brad Avakian was running not for secretary of state, but rather for governor, attorney general or perhaps a new post of progressive superhero,” and to note “the problem is that Avakian has already shown he is willing to misuse his power in order to further causes that he believes in.”

Avakian’s naked overreach and extreme partisanship in executing his office are the last things Oregon needs.
