Call for independent investigation of SAIF CEO firing


by Brandon Smith and Krystal Smith

We’ve been silent publicly to this point. However, silence accomplishes nothing. We are not whistleblowers. We have no inside information. Sadly, the only information we have has been provided by Bob Wilson at Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for helping shed light on this situation.

We are shocked and embarrassed by the action of a small group of people at SAIF, whose actions have damaged our good name and made it more difficult to carry out our honorable mission. The mainstream news media have been suspiciously quiet on the subject. There has been no word from the governor or any elected official.

A good man, John Plotkin, has been wronged. His good name has been tarnished, and that must be corrected. NO ONE believes Mr. Plotkin was terminated for “salty language”. He was dismissed for daring to change the culture at SAIF, which, judging by the outcry, was obviously embraced by the employees.

Anyone who believes the blog comments are coming from a small cadre of malcontents is gravely mistaken. This hardworking employees of this company are suffering under the stress of this situation. We sign our names to this letter, because our conscience compels us to. If our coworkers join us … great. If they choose to remain anonymous, we respect that as well. We both love our jobs and the company we work for. We get to help people in their times of need. It is our fervent hope that our employer will respect our decision to speak out publicly. Time will tell.

Please contact your elected representatives, as we have, and respectfully request an independent investigation into the actions leading to Mr. Plotkin’s humiliating dismissal. Additionally, ask the governor to proceed with filling out the full board of directors as required by statute. This includes replacement of those members who have served beyond the standard two terms.

Brandon Smith is a claims adjuster at SAIF Corporation and Krystal Smith is a claims director at SAIF Corporation.

Other links:

Petition to Gov. John Kitzhaber to bring John Plotkin back to SAIF Corporation

Joe Paduda: SAIF’s firing of its CEO – something just isn’t right here
