Taxpayer Association of Oregon PAC,
Use your free Oregon Political Tax Credit to help us win the big tax fight. This year we fought against Measure 97 and we endorsed over 100 candidates.
If you do not use it you will lose it and the government will spend it for you. The Oregon Political Tax Credit allows Oregonians to donate up to $50 ($100 couple) and get 100% of it back on their Oregon taxes. That is right — 100% of it back! It costs you virtually nothing while it helps fuel our team to kill tax increase ballot measures and help elect pro-taxpayer family candidates at all levels of government (Judges, Mayors, lawmakers). To qualify for the tax credit you must make your donation before the year ends. You can donate instantly online here.
You can also mail donations here:
Taxpayer Association of Oregon PAC
PO Box 23573
Tigard, OR, 97281
Eight darn-good Reasons to help:
1. A tax credit gives you 100% back — better than a tax deduction!
2. Your donation helps us fight for lower taxes — saving you even more3. If you don’t use it you will lose it for the year
4. You easily can donate online
5. Credit cards & pay pal accepted online
6. It helps us elect good lawmakers, mayors, judges, city councilors
7. It helps us defeat tax increase ballot measures
8. It helps us continue our 15 year history of protecting taxpayer families