Oregon in Top 10: Taxes, Spending, Red Tape

By Taxpayer Association of Oregon Foundation,

Here is how Oregon ranks compared to other states.

#5 on Spending: Oregon state spending per person is the 5th highest in the nation, outpacing the national average by more the 55 percent, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. The most recent information from the Census Bureau shows state and local government in Oregon spends $11,300 per person, which is about 7 percent higher than the average across all states. Over the same time period, personal income in Oregon was 8 percent lower than the national average.

#10 State Taxes:  Oregon ranks as the 10th biggest tax state in the nation according to the Tax Foundation’s annual State Business Tax Climate Index 2018.

#6 on Red Tape. Oregon has the sixth highest number of regulatory restrictions in the country. State RegData is a database that measures state-level regulatory restrictions. The Mercatus Center has reviewed the database and counted the restrictions by state. Based on data analyzed so far, New York has the most regulatory restrictions in its administrative code, with more than 300,000 restrictions, while Arizona has the least, with fewer than 65,000 restrictions on the books. Oregon is sixth, with more than 167,000 restrictions.  Not all state’s were able to be reviewed.

Comparing Oregon to other states helps us understand and communicate how prosperous the State of Oregon government actually is.   We also included regulations as they are a different form of taxation because government gets to achieve a goal for free but at a significant expense to a small business or a taxpayer family budget.

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