Stop the 7% cell phone tax

Taxpayer Association of Oregon

This week the Taxpayer Association of Oregon testified against the 7% cell-phone tax, HB 2184, in the Oregon House Revenue Committee. HB 2184 taxes cell phones to pay for expanding landline internet service. It taxes one product in order to pay for another unrelated product.

If Oregon wishes to expand internet landline service it should use existing general government funds and not raise taxes on people.

The 7% tax is regressive as it hurts the poor more than the higher income earners. For the homeless, it is their most important possession and lifeline in the world. They use it for emergencies and to keep in contact with their family. A 7% cell-phone tax also hurts students who are drowning in debt. A 7% tax on these vulnerable Oregonians to help provide internet service to others — including private businesses makes no sense.

Lawmakers should reject the HB 2184 and the 7% cell-phone tax which will hurt Oregon’s homeless and students.

Read more on HB 2184 here.

Call your lawmaker toll-free to oppose the 7% cell-phone tax.  1-800-332-2313 or write  900 Court St. NE, Salem Oregon 97301

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