Contact Marion-Polk Commissioners: Oppose Funding for Transition Counseling to Kids

By Northwest Spotlight —

Behavioral Care Network is the administrative body overseeing mental health for the Oregon Health Plan in Marion and Polk counties.  Currently, this organization funds gender transition counseling for kids. Studies show this can be harmful to kids much later on in life as transgender teens are often at risk for suicide.

For the first time, some members of the Marion County Commission have begun discussions on whether or not it’s worth funding gender transition counseling for kids.  At a May 21 board meeting for the Behavioral Care Network, Commissioner Colm Willis made a motion to not provide this training. He was backed by fellow Marion County Commissioner Sam Brentano. The three Polk County Commissioners voted to sustain the funding. Marion County Commissioner Kevin Cameron abstained.

The next board meeting is scheduled for June 27. Please contact the county commissioners who serve on this board and tell them to oppose this funding and protect our most vulnerable kids!

Marion County

Polk County
