40% virus deaths tied to nursing homes!

Taxpayers Association of Oregon


The fact that nearly half of all deaths are occurring in nursing homes raises questions on whether we are focusing our resources and tools on the right problem.

The Wall Street Journal Reports,

“A Wall Street Journal tally of state data compiling fatalities from Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus, underscores the virus’s heavy cost to those living in long-term-care facilities. Deaths among senior-care center staff and residents appear to represent at least 40% of the overall count of more than 116,000 U.S. fatalities related to Covid-19 as compiled by Johns Hopkins University. “

They also report;

“Meanwhile, recently released federal data from about 12,000 nursing homes that passed a CMS data-quality check found 673 of them still lacked some kind of protective equipment, such as masks or gowns, while 3,138 had less than a one-week supply of at least one type, for the week of May 31.”

Oregon, like the nation, has had its death rates disproportionately hit by nursing homes.

This is important as we head into a Special Session next week.  Lawmakers need to address this problem or the deaths will likely get worse.

— 80-plus straight days of virus/shutdown reporting by the Taxpayer Association of Oregon on this website.

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