Is Oregon seeing a virus bounce back?

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The latest numbers from the Oregon Health Authority show various small spikes in the coronavirus cases during April. On various days, the numbers rose across all three categories of hospitalization. This follows the several peak days at the end of March.

Another chart from the Oregon Health Authority on hospital COVID-like visits has steadily decreased.

The small spiking in the data remind us that we must be extra careful in our re-opening of Oregon to balance as much precaution as possible.  This can be done.

Other places such as South Korea, Japan and Singapore also saw bounce backs, but that did not keep them from advancing to getting life back to normal.

As with any data during this virus outbreak, the numbers are very subjective and likely to change due to delayed results, re-analyzing and ongoing problems the Health Authority has had in verifying numbers. This is the best we have to go with.


— 35-plus straight days of virus/shutdown reporting by the Taxpayer Association of Oregon on this website.

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