Lawmakers plot 6 business bashing ideas in Session

Taxpayers Association of Oregon

There is a bill to weaken three different tax deductions (LC-2) Congress passed through the tax saving virus relief bill called the CARES ACT. The bill would achieve this by disconnecting Oregon from the Federal relief when it regards Oregon taxes. The tax change could cost businesses a quarter billion in more taxes at the same time the state is keeping many businesses shutdown or severely limited.

There is a bill to raise fees for energy exploration (LC-13), because we can only assume the politicians feel that it is OK to tax Oregon energy and likely raise the cost of utilities for struggling Oregonians

There is a bill to force more surrendering of private business data and private information to the government. (LC 4). Since Oregon had the fifth highest state job loss in the nation (per-capita) due to COVID-19, lawmakers now want to make Oregon more of over-regulated and bureaucratically harassed place to run a business than other states.

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