Did paperwork error keep Multnomah restaurants shutdown?

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


This weekend Multnomah County Covid restrictions finally move from 25% to 50% capacity as the County moves into a lower risk category.   A restaurant explained to us that when they called the County on why their county was so far behind the rest of Oregon and the nation, it was stated that a delay in County paperwork to State Health Officials falsely kept the County stuck in a higher risk designation.

The fact that today, Multnomah restaurants are at 25% capacity despite the fact that nearly 75% of all Oregonians are vaccinated and mask rules are dropping in most states, reveals that it appears the county is victim to a little bureaucracy.

— If you are an Oregon restaurant and you have heard about or been victim to government bureaucracy impeding your business, then please email the Taxpayers Association of Oregon your story at the email below:

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