7 Democrats defect over $50M tax, SB139 barely passes

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


One of the worst bills of the entire 2021 Session was SB 139A which raises  $50 million in higher taxes on small family owned business.  In the Senate SB 139A was opposed by two Democrat Senators (Deb Patterson Salem, Betsy Johnson, N. Coast) and barely passed by the bare minimum votes.  In the House SB 139A faced a tight vote as a cluster of votes held out for the final seconds of voting as if to measure at the last minute how few people were needed to vote on it.

Ultimately, SB 139A was opposed by 5 Democrats (Janelle Bynum, Clackamas, Anna Williams, Hood River, Jason Kropf, Bend, Paul Evans, Salem, Brad Witt, Clatskanie). All Republicans who voted voted against the bill in the Senate and House making the tax bill bipartisan in opposition and one of the rare bipartisan oppositions for a tax bill.

This giant tax bill comes during the what is expected to be the final 72 hours of the Session where publci notice and publci testimony was rushed and limited.

SB 139A is before the Governor.

You can call the Governor to oppose SB 139 the $50 Million small business tax at the number below:

Governor Kate Brown
Phone: (503) 378-4582

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