SOS blocks school choice petition from gathering signatures

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan blocked a parents rights/school choice petition from collecting signatures.  The Secretary of State claimed the measure violated the single subject rule.

Education Freedom for Oregon responded, “All Oregon families deserve the constitutionally protected right to choose the school that their children attend. We are working to make that happen in Oregon. The Secretary of State’s office rejected our School Choice Amendment. It was not unexpected. We are disappointed that the Secretary of State is trying to deny Oregonians the opportunity for expanding educational opportunities for all students. We will appeal and continue onward to bring education fairness to all Oregon families. We knew this was not going to be easy. We have work to do and it is worth doing. Join us and we will make this happen!”

Alsea School Superintendent and Governor candidate Marc Theilman was quoted in the Oregonian, “Thielman said he was “really put out” that Fagan did not call him to explain her decision and accused her of “inserting her own political biases.”

We will keep you posted.

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