Freedom Foundation’s new TV Ad to unions

By Freedom Foundation

The Freedom Foundation is kicking off a major TV ad campaign targeting government workers.

The goal of the ads is to expand our outreach and inform every single public employee of their constitutional right to extricate themselves from the tentacles of big government unions.

The ads were created by our very own in-house design team who did everything from preproduction, the acting, and editing of the videos.

This is just the beginning of our media outreach campaign to public employees. Since expanding to all 50 states last summer, we’ve contacted millions of government employees, including teachers, via email, mail, and door-to-door canvassing. Now, we’re taking our message to the airwaves.

I anticipate huge numbers of government union members will contact the Freedom Foundation thanks to the commercials.

These are markets we’ve never tried to reach before through broadcast and cable TV, and, unfortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of workers living there whose union has been able, up to now, to suppress their First Amendment rights.

That’s about to change!

Below you can find the ads.
