Xmas Theft: Made in Oregon truck … Puplandia car … $6K guitar

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon


This Christmas season in the Portland area, thieves stole a lot of important things.

On Christmas Eve night they stole the Made in Oregon truck. It has since been returned.

The Puplandia dog rescue trailer was stolen.

These vehicles thefts are common as every 48 minutes a car is stolen in Portland.

This $6,699 valued guitar was stolen from the Guitar Center music store.

Portland police ask people to be on the look-out.


Thieves stole mail from Portland Rescue Mission which included people’s donations to help the homeless.


This rash of Christmas thefts perfectly caps off liberal pro-crime month (details here).


Don’t you feel safer now that Governor Brown gave early release to 1,000 criminals? Portland politicians defunded their police department by 100 positions?  Portland prosecutors announced they will not jail people for theft?

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