Lars Larson: Democrat government drunk on power, stolen booze

By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

The arrogance of government employees here in the Northwest never fails to astound me…and now, we learn they’re Poaching the Pappy down at the state liquor warehouse.

Let me explain.

Oregon had a corrupt politician named Kitzhaber, forced to resign after we learned he let his girlfriend run a business out of the Governor’s office and take pay for play.

But Kitzhaber’s former Chief of Staff, Steve Marks landed on his feet in a sweet job running the state’s liquor monopoly…making more than 200-grand a year.

But that wasn’t enough…he had workers in the state’s unionized liquor warehouse set aside bottles of a rare bourbon for him to buy…the stuff citizens can’t find.

I’ve had Pappy Van Winkle. It’s okay. But you can’t find it in the state’s stores.

Now we know why. Oregon live busted loose that information with a public records request.

And now we know why Governor Tina Kotek didn’t tell us the truth about why she kicked Steve Marks out of his job.

The Pappy Van Winkle example just illustrates how too many public employees think their jobs…with the fat paychecks and pensions…make them elites entitled to special treatment.

Maybe we’d have better government around here if those working in it focused on actually serving the public, instead of serving themselves.
