Oh Dear, Jamie McLeod-Skinner’s 3rd run for Congress

Here We Go Again: Jamie McLeod-Skinner Launches THIRD Bid for Congress
Failed candidate, “proud progressive” launches yet another doomed campaign
By Oregon Republican Party,

Portland, Ore. – The Oregon Republican Party issued the following statement in response to Jamie McLeod-Skinner’s newly launched campaign for Congress.

“Jamie McLeod-Skinner is the kind of extreme progressive that makes even a Portland politicians blush,” said Oregon Republican Party Chairman Justin Hwang. “It’s exactly why she keeps winning Democrat primaries and exactly why she keeps losing general elections. Jamie McLeod-Skinner is simply too extreme for Oregon.

“While national special interest groups continue fighting amongst themselves over why Democrats lost the last election, Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer has fulfilled her promise to fight for a more affordable Oregon, safer communities, and a stronger America. We look forward to seeing her win again next November and to her returning to Congress to fight for Oregon families.”

McLeod-Skinner, a perennial candidate who has lost races for Congress in consecutive election cycles, appears likely to be the Democratic nominee for OR-5 again in 2024. Recent polling shows the self-described “proud progressive” with a massive lead over her Democrat primary opponents. That could spell trouble for Democrats in the general election, just as it did in 2022, when national Democrat organizations abandoned McLeod-Skinner’s flailing campaign resulting in a nasty “blame game” among progressive organizations.
