NY Times quote: Why people flock to Portland

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

The New York Times ran a front page story on Portland’s drug epidemic.


Here is a perfect quote from the article about one couple on why they came (for all the wrong reasons) and why they aim to leave. This is an extended quote so you can know more about this couple.

“Kaetly and Irida Wren were unemployed and sleeping in their car in Memphis in the spring of 2021. Shunned by certain family members, the transgender couple saw few options in the South. “Let’s go to Portland,” Kaetly remembers saying. Kaetly, 21, was inspired by the city’s protests. An opioid user, she also heard that heroin was plentiful in Portland. Irida, 26, was told the city offered generous homeless services.The couple packed up their Nissan Altima and made the 2,200-mile drive. They found support from social workers and groups like Street Roots, which publishes a newspaper focused on homeless issues…The couple had hoped to find a sense of community in the encampments. Instead, they encountered “infighting,” which they attributed partly to fentanyl…On the night of April 18, the couple were in their tent across from a church when a man slashed the side of the tent and attacked Irida with a knife. She was stabbed six times in the torso and hands, according to the police report, and was “fainting” shortly after officers arrived on the scene. They planned to head back to Tennessee last month. Portland “is definitely not what I expected,” Irida said.”

Oregon cannot afford to absorb the nation’s homeless who seek out our generous benefits, our abundant/lawless drugs culture and false liberal utopian ideas of thriving homeless communities.   People like Kaetly and Irida are being lured into a dangerous trap made possible by terrible laws and lawlessness.

If you are mad at Oregon luring people from across America with free drugs, free lavish goods, false promises of thriving homeless encampments, then please help us with our cartoon we are working on to expose this problem.  We are trying to catalogue all the taxpayer funded things that are luring homeless to our state and overwhelming our social services and making life dangerous for them and everyone.   Please view the cartoon.
