Biden caught in secret meetings to blow 4 NW dams

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Fox News reports, “Court filings reveal secret agreement between Biden admin, eco groups seeking to tear down key power source ‘The U.S. Government chose for months to hold secret negotiations and refused to share any details with us,’ lead industry groups say in joint statement. A group of House lawmakers representing the Pacific Northwest made public a court-approved confidential mediation between the Biden administration and environmental groups pushing to remove four hydroelectric dams in Washington to protect salmon. The document, which until now hasn’t been made public, was drafted on Nov. 2 as part of an agreement in which activist groups agreed to pause their litigation against the federal government. The groups have argued in favor of breaching the four federally-managed dams amid declining salmon populations in the lower Snake River, which winds through Idaho and Washington before feeding into the Columbia River and then into the Pacific Ocean.”

Crafting secret deals behind closed doors with only one side of a critical issue represents the worst of government policy.

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